NON PLUS ULTRA” is an initiative by me and artist Ercole Pignatelli in order to motivate artists to use plastic in a different way for the protection of the environment.

We propose to all artists that create works of art with bottles, glasses, plates and whatever else you find on your way.

Transforming plastic into art, with the aim of: awareness, education and reflection. I open my blog: www.arteyes.it for the promotion of your project in a space dedicated to it.
I hope to see you there!
By pressing the “contact us” space inside my blog, you can upload your work. I will answer you personally.
Thank you all for your cooperation. For a better world. Together.

Use the # #nonplusultraforfree #arteyesforfree

Ercole Pignatelli

  1. Ercole Pignatelli  – 1991 – “Motivo Plastico 1
  2. Ercole Pignatelli  – 2019 – “Motivo Plastico 2

Il mondo fenomenologico non si estingue. Semmai varia dal meraviglia al niente! E il niente? E’ l’oggetto e il contenuto dell’essere, che porta dalla negazione alla deriva!

Chris Horner

  • Chris Horner – 2017 – “Untrialed Paulin”

My works do show attachments to themes which explore the importance of the environment, how reusing by means of recycling not only supports the evolution of our world, but also enables us as creatives to investigate into products and objects which are deemed to have been exhausted of all function and value.

Laura Zeni


Eat with your head or you’ll start eating only plastic packed with itself.

Michela Pomaro

  • Michela Pomaro – “Mandala”

The ecological creative spirit like recycling plastic, many other materials and objects present in our daily lives, for me it is a true obsession, not only is it a gesture of respect for the environment, but it can lead to amazing results. Starting from storing the small tubes of homeopathic medicines, I found myself creating a Mandala with its hidden power. The gaze is lost does not worry about reason, because reason is within itself, within respect for what surrounds us …

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